Lunula attacks foot fungus and Onychomycosis with the newest technologies.
Lunula consists of two rotating laser diodes (beams). The beams deliver light to the cells in the form of energy. Photoreceptors in cells absorb this energy and transform it into compounds found naturally in the body.
The two molecules generated by the cells are hydrogen peroxide, a natural antiseptic. This begins to degrade any fungi that may be present.
The other molecule generated is nitric oxide. This dilates the blood arteries, boosting blood flow to the location. This enhanced blood flow allows the body to employ its immune system to combat fungi. It also promotes the regeneration of damaged tissue, allowing the injured nail and skin to recover.
Lunula is the only medication that both cures and removes fungus.
Causes Of Nail Fungus
Many variables are at play, including advancing age, immunosuppression, diabetes, psoriasis, trauma, and persistent tinea pedis (athlete's foot). Environmental risk factors can also lead to nail infections; humid settings, occlusive footwear, and communal bathing facilities have all been linked to an increased risk of getting onychomycosis.
What to Expect During Laser Treatment
Patients seeking Lunula Low-Level Laser painless toenail and foot fungal treatment from Foot Clinic London should expect the following steps:
Sit comfortably on the examining chair.
2. Place the foot into the Lunula Laser.
3. The laser targets the therapeutic region on the foot for 12 minutes.
4. After the treatment, there is no downtime or further medication.
Non-thermal laser therapy is a safe and effective method for considerably improving the amount of clean nails in onychomycosis-infected toenails after six months of one weekly treatment for four weeks.
This Lunula Laser in London will eliminate the toenail fungal infection and enhance nail development in the future. This therapy has no adverse effects, and you may resume your usual life immediately once it is completed. There is no downtime or pain connected with therapy.
The therapy is completely safe, and in addition to destroying the existing nail and foot fungus, the laser encourages the creation of a healthy new nail, offering hope and comfort to patients who have long suffered from painful, deformed, and ugly fungal nails.
Unlike other hot lasers that promise to treat toenail fungus or onychomycosis, our Lunula laser is the only painless, non-thermal laser that produces no harmful smoke plumes or vapours and does not require anaesthesia to operate.
If you've tried various toenail fungal treatments, such as sprays, lotions, oils, or oral prescription meds, but haven't seen any long-term improvements, the Lunula laser in London may be the better alternative. Get your appointment now.